OTTs Reunited

Full Version: The Late Gordon Fagg
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Dear All,

It is with regret that I have to announce the passing of one of the Corps 'good guys'.

The Regimental Secretary RAMC informed me last night that Gordon Fagg had passed away. Gordon came through the ranks and established himself as a well liked and respected Admin Officer. Many will remember him as very fair Company Commander and capable Administrative Officer during his hospital days

Gordon passed away on Friday 31st January. He had been chronically ill and in and out of Frimley Park for the last two years. For the last year he has been blind and had retreated into himself. He was allowed out of hospital for Betty's funeral last year but he was unable to communicate. His health deteriorated, although expected his passing was non the less sad.

Gordon'e funeral will take place at The Royal Garrison Church, Aldershot, at 1100 hrs on Tuesday 18th February.


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