OTTs Reunited

Full Version: WW1 War Graves maps
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Hi All,

As the holiday season will shortly be upon us some may be considering a visit to the WW1 battlefields (highly recommended).

I have just had returned to me my Commonwealth War Graves Commission Maps. There are three in the set and identify Cemeteries and Memorials in Belgium and France from the north all the way to Paris (Compiegne). I have also highlighted a route on the maps. There are also a number of tourist leaflets (Journey through the Somme to mention one) and a visitor's guide to the battlefields. If you are in the area of Ypres then a visit to Talbot House (Founding premise of the Toc H clubs) is a must. You can also stay there on a room only basis.

If anyone is interested I am happy to loan out the maps - please contact me and I will send them to you - first come first served or by date of trip.
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