OTTs Reunited

Full Version: PIE&PINT DATE CHANGE and booking details
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I have tried several times to insert a business card from Sophie Costello,senior events co-ordinator,at the Deveres Harben House hotel The technology is beyond me so....I will do it all manually....
I spoke to Sophie about our Pie and Pint gig. We will have to move it to 6th and 7th November... There are weddings booked for the preceding three weekends so the 23rd of Oct. is out. Sorry,for the change,
The rates agreed with Sophie are £55 per night for dinner (two courses) bed and breakfast... and a 10%discount at the bar. She hold 25 rooms up till the 16th Oct. (but more will be available if needed) To book call Sophie or reception...rooms will reserved by card but payment will not be taken until arrival QUOTE OTTs WEEKEND NOV 6th

Harben House Hotel Tickford street Newport Pagnell Bucks MK16 9EY 01908 215 755

google it for more details.... I need a Jack Daniels before I teach this %&^£")(* laptop how to fly... Keep Rockin'... Jake
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